Slow Food Illes Balears
Catalina Sureda. Ca'n Vives, Manacor © SFIB'09

Slow Food Illes Balears

Slow Food Illes Balears is an independent, non-political, not-for-profit organization . It is made up of a heterogeneous group of people with very diverse skills who have a close relationship with food: artisan producers, farmers, fisherfolk, bakers, agronomists, scientists, cooks, creatives, educators, journalists, film-makers ... They all share a common interest: responsible

The association was constituted in December 2007 , as a local movement created following the guidelines of the umbrella international organization. It is closely linked to local food communities , which means it connects and unites farmers, fisherfolk, stockbreeders, bakers and small artisans with gastronomists, restaurateurs, cooks, agronomists, scientists and responsible consumers, who we call co-producers .

We propose eco-gastronomy as the means to protect and unite local food cultures with the ecology of the earth, through the production of local, artisan, seasonal, organic, and fair trade products: good, clean and fair food . We celebrate the taste and quality of such products, promoting the defense of local agriculture and food biodiversity and the preservation of rural and marine environments. The producer is the main protagonist of this new gastronomy . Cooks have a key role to play: they are the interpreters of a territory, which they add value to and enhance through their creativity.

Slow Food Illes Balears was registered in February 2007 in the official registry of associations of the Balearic Government.

How the local movement was born

In October 2006, some of the founding members of the Slow Food Illes Balears were invited by activist Vandana Shiva , vice president of Slow Food International, to participate in Terra Madre , which is the Food Communities Network , the biggest project so far driven by Slow Food. It was a truly magnetic gathering, and just a few days later the association in the Balearic Islands was born with the same aim: to create a large network of producers and consumers in our community.


+ info: skeleton watches



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