Slow Food Illes Balears
Ca'n Xisco Morata. Crestaitx, Sa Pobla © SFIB'08

What we do

Slow Food Illes Balears works to re-establish and recover the food logic that for centuries made up and enriched the environment and the gastronomic heritage of our islands.



We support an open model that can diversify the dominating economic system, appreciating and reinforcing the offer of the food sector, turning it into a real alternative to maintain local gastronomy as a part of our cultural identity and our sustainable development.


We work to guarantee increasing food sovereignty, as well as to preserve our landscape and environment. In this way, we support the agricultural sector, contributing to create a generational shift. We aim to facilitate an increase in the production of local, organic, artisan food products which guarantee the preservation of ecosystem balance, while contributing to the growth of a sustainable local economy, as we become aware of a growing demand for this type of activity and products.


For all these reasons, these are our aims: Couples Watches


- To promote good, clean and fair food products: local products, of high organoleptic value, at risk of disappearing; the result of a production system that defends food and agricultural biodiversity; and that provide fair pay and work conditions.


- To defend local agricultural biodiversity: to preserve heritage seeds, local plant varieties, local animal breeds and ancestral knowledge of the rural and marine environments.


- To preserve traditional and artisan food production protocols: establishing with producers a shared protocol regarding production techniques and quality standards, guaranteeing a viable future for these food products.


- To connect producers with final consumers, promoting the shortening of the supply chain.


- To connect local food communities as a network.


- To promote some of the local food products so they become part of the international Slow Food Ark of Taste catalogue.


- To carry out taste education projects. Tastings are an educational experience and a way to raise awareness.


- To carry out eco-literacy campaigns: children are an agent and a motor of change. They can be taught the principles of sustainability by means of school gardens, by learning about the path from seed to plate.


- To cooperate with other organizations, public institutions and associations in favour of local food sovereignty.

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Within our projects, we approach these aims in such a way that they become a journey
from the seed to the plate. This can be seen in campaigns such as the recovery of the Pebre Bord de Tap de Cortí (local paprika) or Fruiters d’un Temps (old varieties of local fruit trees).


This is our vision:

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  • Traditional farming, animal breeding and fishing. These are the productive activities that best ensure environmental balance and also give the tastiest and healthiest food products, avoiding the use of toxics, pesticides, intensive farming methods, monoculture and over-exploitation.
  •  Local agricultural biodiversity. We have a huge amount of local varieties of plants and animal breeds that are best adapted to our climate and territory. This heritage is unknown, in danger of extinction and we must protect it.
  • Landscape and territory. Historically, farmers shaped our landscape and they are one of the main agents who work for its conservation.
  • Tradition and culture. The artisanal and traditional production of local food products cannot be separated from our traditions and culture.
  • Social innovation. We support a new type of relationship with food producers in order to bring them closer to consumers or co-producers. This implies a new interpersonal relationship with producers, who are a collective who is at risk of exclusion: their numbers are decreasing and their average age is above 63 years old.
  • Local fair trade. In our globalized world, market economy has shown its inabilities regarding fair sharing of benefits, resource management and environmental impact.
  • Conscious and responsible consumption. Our decisions regarding food provoke direct effects on the market and, therefore, on food production. Our daily choices can be aimed at benefitting our palates, environmental balance and society. Food can be understood as a pleasure that involves awareness and responsibility.
  • Neogastronomy. It is possible to have a responsible and wide-scope relationship with food which combines gastronomic pleasure with an interest for the culture of food bolsos de imitacion and wine, aiming to defend the biodiversity of local food and of the local natural environment. It considers the act of eating as not just fulfilling a biological need, but also as a convivial pleasure to be shared with others.

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