Slow Food Illes Balears
Pà moreno de blat xeixa, Pollença © SFIB'09


Eco-literacy: Sustanability principles through school vegetable gardens

Slow Food Illes Balears promotes ecoliteracy or the systemic learning of sustainability principles to primary school children through school vegetable gardens. This is a structured orologi replica model that facilitates comprehension of the process of food, from seed to plate. It is inspired in programmes developed by suitable watches omega replica scientist Fritjof Capra and cook/activist Alice Waters, vicepresident of Slow Food.

In 2007 we published, together with local group Poc a Poc and Namaste magazine, the Spanish and Catalan version of the Eco-alphabet, and distributed 15,000 copies of it amongst primary school teachers. 

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ECOALFABETO, Fritjof Capra (cast.) - PDF
ECOALFABETO, Fritjof Capra (català) - PDF

Rethinking School Lunch-Guid - PDF





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