Slow Food Illes Balears

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| 07/11/2013

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) the legendry Code of ASME is the safety code for pressure integrity. It establishes rules of safety governing the design, fabrication and inspection of boilers and pressure vessels, and nuclear power plant components during construction. New edition of BPVC is issued once every two years. Since its first issuance in 1914, ASME’s BPVC has pioneered modern standards-development, maintaining a commitment to enhance public safety and fabulous replica patek philippe calatrava technological advancement to meet the needs of a changing world. You can download the ASME BPVC 2019 from


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| 10/10/2013






28, 29, 30, 31 d’octubre i 1 de novembre



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D’ on surt el menjar?

| 19/07/2013

A vegades em sorprèn, com a pagès que som, el distanciament actual que hi ha entre la feina del pagès, com a productor/creador d’aliments, i l’acte de consum d’aquests per part de la ciutadania. En molts de casos, podríem dir que, l’un de l’altre, són, totalment, dos desconeguts.

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| 08/07/2013



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Pagesos, en perill d’extinció?

| 18/11/2011

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Interview to Biel Torrens and Mateu Morro

| 15/11/2011

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Carlo Petrini

Museo Es Baluard (Palma) | 22/10/2011



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Visit Carlo Petrini, founder of the Slow food movement

Museo Es Baluard (Palma), Son Forteza (Alaró) | 21/10/2011


As part of his tour of Spain, Carlo Petrini, founder and president of the international Slow Food movement, Slow Food convivium visit the Balearic Islands on 21, 22 and October 23 to learn first hand about our culinary heritage, the reality of food industry, and the various projects that Slow Food has done in the Balearic Islands.

On Friday 21, at 20h, Carlo Petrini will offer a public lecture at the Museum is Baluard (Aljub), in which images are projected further 4 years of work in the Balearic Islands Slow Food will taste different products and local, seasonal artisans and ecological.

Later on Saturday, October 22 will be held working sessions are the foundation Camper Carlo Petrini Forteza to meet with the different agents of the local food communities.

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Manu Chao con la Red de Comunidades del Alimento

Palma | 28/10/2010

En octubre celebramos, por tercer año, una cena para conmemorar que la red de comunidades del alimento de Slow Food Illes Balears sigue creciendo replica de ropa de diseñador y fortaleciéndose. La Red de Comunidades del Alimento forma parte de Terra Madre, el proyecto más ambicioso impulsado por la organización a nivel internacional, y se ha convertido en la filosofía hacia donde se encamina nuestra organización.

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Conferencia sobre la política agraria en Menorca

Palma | 16/09/2009

El pasado septiembre de 2008 Slow Food Illes Balears y Unió de Pagesos organizaron la primera jornada informativa sobre la política agraria de Menorca, destinada a agricultores. El acto tuvo lugar en el Parc Bit Raiguer de Inca, y como ponentes intervinieron replica uhren Antònia Allés (Consellera d’Economia i Medi Ambient del CIME, que habló sobre el CARB Contracte Agrari de la Reserva de Biosfera de Menorca), Núria Llabrés (Gob Menorca, que basó su intervención en la Custodia del Territorio), y Toni Moll (Unió de Pagesos de Menorca).


bpvc codes online

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